15 Blogging Tips for Writers

The writer’s market is forever changing. For many of us, we are having to undo some of our previous notions about publishing and promoting. According to Robert Lee Brewer in “Blogging Basics” in Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market (2021), “in these days of publishing and media change, writers have to build platforms and learn how to connect to audiences if they want to improve their chances of publication and overall success” (Brewer, 2021, p.88). You may be thinking that you are a writer of fantasy, not a blogger. But if blogging is a way to connect with your audience, give it a try! I have a list, inspired by Robert Lee Brewer, that may help you get started.

Start Blogging today

For me, this is easier said than done. Before I actually “start,” I have to do a bunch of research on the concept, make a plan, and then chip away at it but that is just me. The key here is that you start one way or another. It can be like running. Some people can’t think about it. It is a matter of putting on the running shoes and stepping outside. Once those two steps are done, you might as well start running.

Start small

Starting small can mean so many things to different people. Define small for you. For me, I plan to collect a bunch of drafts so when it is time to get my website together, I will have lots of relevant content.

Use your name in your URL

You are a writer trying to connect to your audience. Your audience must know your name and connect that name to your work. 

Use your name as the title of your blog

People need to search for you by name. Let your audience know your work and who you are. 

Figure out/revisit/revise your blogging goals

In the beginning, a goal may be just to do it, put one foot in front of the other. As time goes on, you may get a feel of what your audience likes, what works. Your goal may be to look at what works and do that to connect with a larger audience.

Be yourself

It is easier to maintain a consistent persona when you are yourself. The people who read your work will be able to tell.

Post at least once a week

Like me, you are probably really busy. I have added this to my list of goals. Posting often helps in keeping your audience reading and connected to you and your work. 

Post relevant content

People need a real purpose for reading. Your content should connect readers to the reason why you wish to connect with them in the first place. Why are you writing what you are writing in your blog?

Make posts useful and helpful (it will attract more visitors)

In addition to making your content relevant, make sure your reader gets something out of what you are sharing. Keep them coming back for more in the future. How will they remember you? Most people are attracted to genuine information. And above all, have passion. Brewer writes, “Passion is what really drives the popularity of blogs. Share your passion and enthusiasm, and readers are sure to be impressed” (2021, p.93).

Title your posts in a way that gets you found in search engines

You may want to do more research on this. I am not an expert in search engines and titles just yet. What I have discovered so far is that it is important. If you are looking to learn more about blogging guidelines, WAY2WRITING plans to offer courses or cited notes on way2writing.com in the future. There will be research-based tips for SEO strategies and creating killer headlines. The courses or cited notes will be a good starting point.


Link to posts in other media

You just saw that I tried to link something in the tip above. It wasn’t a blog post but I think I got the idea. 

Write well, but don’t stress yourself out

This tip has helped me move forward in the world of blogs. It gave me permission to just write and get my information out there. I am still connecting to my audience. My content is still relevant and helpful.  Since I am not hung up on all the stress and pressure of writing perfectly, I am able to produce more at a faster rate which in turn, keeps me connected to my audience. Heck, they may like my style. Remember to be yourself. 

Find like-minded Bloggers (comment regularly and link to them from yours)

Like I said before, I am really busy. I am terrible about reading work from other bloggers. I am deciding to make finding more like-minded bloggers a new goal. When you read work from other bloggers, it may inspire you. Their work may show your reader that your work is relevant. Linking to other work may inspire other writers to do the same. Thus, you are expanding your audience through others’ efforts.  

Respond to comments on your blog

In today’s market, your audience wants to feel closer to the writer. Relationships are key. When you respond to their comments, you are connecting them to you and your work. Through engagement, they will remember you. They may develop a loyalty to your work. 


I always say that I make stuff up all the time. It is okay that I do not know everything there is to know about blogging because one day I may make something up that turns out to be innovative and never done before.

As a writer, you want to be seen by your audience, so connect with them through blogging. Remember to be yourself because it is ultimately you who you are selling. And above all, show your audience how amazingly passionate you are. Isn’t that why you are a writer in the first place? 

WAY2WRITING will be here for you at any part of your writer’s journey. In the future, you will discover access to courses, cited notes, blogs, videos, and virtual writing groups at way2writing.com. 

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Brewer, Robert. (2021). Blogging Basics. In Amy Jones (Ed.), Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market (pp. 88 – 93). Writer’s Digest Books.


WAY2WRITING started as little pieces of thought coming together hoping to provide content and support on the writer's journey. It is more than a one man show originally organized by a writer named Tierra Hopkins, also known as T.J. Hopkins. WAY2WRITING wouldn't be anything without its community of writers. Thank you for being here. We are on this journey together.

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