3 Writing Tips because Writing is Energy

What we write down holds energy. I would also like to believe that the reader’s thoughts and comprehension has energy as well, adding more meaning to the written word. Thus, it all adds and changes the energy.  The combined energy stays with us. In a special and timeless way, it is co-created and then lives… Continue reading 3 Writing Tips because Writing is Energy

3 Essentials in Maintaining Confidence in Your Writing Practice

I see writing practice as a routine within your own lifestyle, but like anything, it ebbs and flows. Life happens. Sometimes, other things take priority. Confidence may slip away. For me, I have lost the practice throughout my life and then have climbed mountains and swam against currents to rediscover it again.  Natalie Goldberg wrote… Continue reading 3 Essentials in Maintaining Confidence in Your Writing Practice

5 Ways to know Writing from a Natalie Goldberg Perspective

To those like me getting back into the practice of writing, are you searching for something inspiring? Are you looking for a connection to why you began writing in the first place or why writing is what you want to do when you grow up but you are grown up with a job, a family… Continue reading 5 Ways to know Writing from a Natalie Goldberg Perspective